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February 10, 2025
10:42 AM
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Ethernet Internet Connections Are Available Now
Direct access to the Internet over Metro and Carrier Ethernet connections are a reality for many companies.

By: John Shepler

Internet access has come a long way since the days of 300 baud modems. But regardless of speed, Internet connectivity has always been through a conversion process from some protocol to the Ethernet that runs on company LANs and PC network cards. If only one could get to the Internet via Ethernet itself. Well, now you can.

Why Ethernet in the Last Mile
Last mile access via Ethernet is rapidly gaining popularity in metropolitan areas. Why? Primarily because of the cost savings, although ease of network interfacing is also a consideration.

An Ethernet access connection is often called Metro Ethernet service because it is intended primarily for use within city or downtown portion of a city. A more generic term is Carrier Ethernet. As a core networking technology, Ethernet for WAN (Wide Area Networks) provides a direct extension of your company network across town, across the country, or to other networks such as the Internet.

Why You Want Dedicated Internet Access
DIA or Dedicated Internet Access is the gold standard for business connections to the Internet. Dedicated means that you have exclusive use of the line and it's bandwidth back to the Internet. Consumer grade services, such as DSL, WiFi, and Cable broadband, are all shared services. With shared services, the quality of your service is highly dependent on what your neighbors are doing online. With dedicated access, any contention for service will be limited to your own company.

T1 lines are standard for DIA service at 1.5 Mbps. They can be bonded up to 10 or 12 Mbps. Beyond that you need fiber optic services, such as OC3 or DS3 over SONET. These can be pricey services, especially when the local telephone company is involved in providing the complete service or last mile access.

From T1 to Ethernet
Ethernet access connections are something new. Many competitive carriers have their own fiber optic networks and will directly connect you for 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps Ethernet service. You'll get a better price because they do not share facilities with the telcos.

Another option is EoC or Ethernet over Copper. You can get up to 45 Mbps Ethernet service, including dedicated Internet access, if you are located nearby a carrier point of presence. Service is delivered over multiple twisted copper pair using an advanced modulation scheme.

Standard Ethernet Connectivity
I mentioned ease of network Interface. With Metro Ethernet service your access connection is a standard RJ-45 jack, just like the ones you'd expect to find on a switch or router. What's coming into that jack is the same Ethernet protocol that you are running on your LAN.

Business Ethernet MAN / WAN Search!
Carrier Ethernet Metro and Wide Area Network bandwidth, including dedicated business Internet access, is highly scalable and more cost effective than traditional T-Carrier or SONET solutions. Bandwidths from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps are readily available, depending on location. Easy interface and fast scalability, including Managed SDN Software Defined Networking and SD-WAN, as desired. Service in rural areas is often available. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial business location anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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